Scientific art and illustrations

by Kristen Krumhardt

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Antarctic food chain triptic

Antarctic food chains are short and sweet.

Ocean food chains.

The who eats who of different ocean environments.

Deep water corals

at Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary

This figure shows potential changes to lower trophic levels in two regions of the Southern Ocean

Climate change may drive changes to Southern Ocean food webs

Featured in Frontiers in Marine Science article

Coccolithophore in blue.

An artistic take on coccolithophore calcification removing alkalinity from seawater.

Eos article featuring

this illustration

This is a pteropod.

On the cover of Nature Climate Change

Discosphaera tubifera

Discosphaera tubifera

cocco map

where are the coccolithophores?

This map shows where the well-known species of coccolithophores live, overlaid on particulate inorganic carbon (PIC) measurements retrieved by the MODIS satellite.

Featured in Progress in Oceanography article


dungeness crab

Dungeness Crab


A centric diatom


Calcidiscus leptoporus

A cold water species of coccolithophore

Coccolithophore cross-section

A look inside the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi, showing a chloroplasts and coccolith vessicle, among other organelles


Future oceanic changes

(featured in my PhD thesis)


A zooplankton

Ocean views

watercolor postage stamp painting

pinnate diatom

Pennate diatom



Featured on the cover of Global Biogeochemical Cycles

Coccolithus pelagicus

(featured in one of my publications in Progress in Oceanography)


Fossil foraminifera

(used to reconstruct paleoclimate)

How would CO2 mitigation help slow warming impacts on net primary production in the ocean?

Regions where the blue dashed bars are more separate from the red ones are where cutting CO2 emissions would help climate change impacts on the production of marine algae. Regions where they overlap are places where climate change impacts are unavoidable.

Changes in chlorophyll from the calcifying marine algae, coccolithophores, over the past 25 years at the Bermuda Atlantic Timeseries Study (BATS) region in the subtropical North Atlantic.

Featured in Global Biogeochemical Cycles article

Featured in Biogeosciences article

Ehux oc
Ehux A
Ehux BC sm

Each morphotype of this coccolithophore species is adapted to a specific environment

Emiliania huxleyi morphotypes

Antarctic ocean circulation

The particular ocean circulation patterns in the Southern Ocean allows the substances in sinking biogenic particles to be trapped.

Featured in

Global Biogeochemical Cycles article

Phytoplankton thumbnails

Chaetoceros dichaeta

frag kerguel1
frag kerguel2

Fragilariopsis kerguelensis

Goceanica sm

Gephyrocapsa oceanica

Spulchra sm

Syracosphaera pulchra


Prochlorococcus marinus




Ceratium hirundinella

Ceratium tripos


Phaeocystis antarctica

coccoC 2regions depth time

Modeling carbon fertilization in marine algae

Published in Journal of Advances in Modeling the Earth System (JAMES)

These tiny pelagic snails are under threat from ocean acidification.


Chemostat continuous culturing system

Published in Environmental Microbiology article

ART 05

Old bromeliad from herbarium

Juvenile loggerhead

sea turtle


Globigerina bulloides

Link to news article featuring this illustration